baseball terms urban dictionary

When a player makes a great fielding play, he is said to have flashed the leather., LOOGY: An acronym for Lefty One Out GuY, used to describe a left-handed relief specialist. Baseball has its own rhythm, its own rules, its own specific appeal to our senses and sensibilities. A team shuts out its opponent when it prevents them from scoring any runs in a given game. AB: At Bats the number of times a player has been up to bat.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); AVG/BA: Batting average the ratio of hits to at bats. This is one of several types of interference calls in baseball. This pitcher is throwing meatballs!. Left on base: A baserunner is said to be left on base or stranded when the half-inning ends, and he has not scored or been put out. Cup of coffee: A short time spent by a Minor League player in the big leagues. As they continue to learn the What Is a Secondary in Football? Single: When a player hits the ball safely in fair play, and only gets to first base. The situation is slightly different in association football (soccer): the sideline and the goal line are inbounds, and the ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the side line (touch line) or the goal line, whether on the ground or in the air. The "corners of the plate" are the inside and outside edges of home plate. When he gets fastball happy he gets knocked around."[99]. A nickname for Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs. Music also began to blare. indicates the ball should be thrown to second base. To throw hard. GF: Games Finished the number of games where the pitcher is the last pitcher to pitch for his team. I love when you talk Baseball. Also used as a verb, "He rifled the ball home to catch the runner. As Bucs announcer Bob Walk said, "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh we got a problem here." Nubber: A batted ball off the end of the bat that does not travel very far. Apple comes up: Fails in a pinch (swallows his Adam's apple). Baseball Slang While every sport has its own lingo, no sport uses acronyms and abbreviations as much as baseball. On-deck: Refers to the next player up to bat. There are multiple rules and strategies that can be used. If the out is not the third out then the ball is alive and in play (unlike on a foul) and runners are in jeopardy if they are trying to advance. There you have it, 100 of the most used baseball terms and stat acronyms that every player and fan should know. I feel if I can do that, I'll get my 200 innings in a year and everything else falls into place with that."[163]. Lay out for it!. Battery or Battermates: A pitcher and catcher pair. HBP: Hits-by-pitch or hit batters when a pitched ball hits the batter and the batter walks to first base. Southpaw: A left-hand thrower; typically, used to describe a pitcher. The field manager sets the batting order prior to the game in Major League Baseball. Baseball: The official ball used in the sport of baseball. Fly ball: A baseball that is hit high into the air. On the barrel (fat end) of the bat, but not the very end, is the "meat" of the bat where a hitter tries to make contact with the ball. Scoring position: When a base runner is on second or third base, they are in scoring position. The show: A nickname for Major League Baseball. See Allan R. Andrews, "A Good Jump on the Ball: Algorithm in the Outfield". Each Major League Baseball team's organization has a farm system of affiliated farm teams at different minor league baseball levels. Bonus baseball or Free baseball: Occurs when a game goes beyond the normal nine innings. This only comes into play when the pickoff move is to the base the pitcher naturally faces, i.e. Shoestring catch: A running catch made near a fielders feet. BF/TBF/BFP: Batters Faced the number of batters who have faced the pitcher. At that point, only a foul ball will extend the at-bat. Inherited runners or inherited baserunners are the runners on base when a relief pitcher enters the game. Also called the "post-season". Alyson Footer, "Cooper Unhappy with Fundamentals", James Click, "What if Ricky Henderson Had Pete Incaviglia's Legs", in, At the time of the Sosa incident, a list of well-known cases of doctoring the bat was published by Any defensive player (the offense being batters and runners). To hit the ball hard, typically for an extra-base hit. Please join this discussion about QV prodcuts, what does qv stand for? Pine tar: A sticky substance that batters often use to increase their grip on the baseball bat. Baseball is considered to be an american invention but historical records suggest that games involving bats, balls, bases, and running around bases have been played in england ( rounders) and also in asia, (cricket). To start things off we will look at some commonly used terms when it comes to batting. The foul pole is a vertical extension of the foul line. The first time the Fall Classic extended in to November was in 2001. "I don't have a whole lot of goals going into the season. Carrie Muskat, "Zambrano enduring 'dead arm' phase Blue: A term commonly used by players to address an umpire, referring to the typical dark blue color of the umpires uniform. "Cody Ross, who singled and moved to second on a ground-out, was stranded when Ramrez's scorched liner was flagged down by a diving Jones. A slugger may be said to "knock the horsehide off the ball". Drilled: When a batter is hit by a pitch. Appendix:Glossary of baseball jargon (S) - Wiktionary "Home cooking" is sometimes used synonymously with. Runners at the corners: Term used when base runners are on first and third base. Dig it out: When a fielder picks up a low ball. A: Assists when a fielder helps in a putout. Framing a pitch: Refers to the positioning and or movement of the catchers mitt and body when he catches a pitch in the attempt to make the pitch appear as a strike to the umpire. If a pitcher has thrown more strikes than balls to a batter in an at-bat, the pitcher is ahead in the count; conversely, if the pitcher has thrown more balls than strikes, the batter is ahead. They range from classic terms such as "can of corn", which refers to an easy fly ball, to more modern terms like "broom job", which refers to a long home run. Also called a "grounder". If the ball will be almost certainly fair, the umpire will likely yell, "Infield fly, batter's out!" In the four hole, the cleanup hitter is hoping to get to the plate in that inning. "Swing for the downs" means swing mightily all or nothing. PB: Passed ball when a catcher cannot keep control of a pitch that he otherwise should have. The leather cover on the baseball (which is now usually made of cowhide, not horsehide). A batter may be said to have "lined out" if the liner was caught by a fielder. A starting pitcher who pitches past the 6th inning is said to "go deep into the game". A fielder who puts an extra flourish on his movements while making a play in hopes of gaining the approval of the spectators. A list of sports terms from several sports that sound dirty, but are not. baseball terms urban dictionary - Have you ever been watching or listening to a baseball game and heard the announcer use a term that you didnt understand? A pitcher who (at season's end) leads the league in three major categories: earned run average, wins, and strikeouts. Paul Dickson's compendious Baseball Dictionary is the go-to place for most lexical queries relating to America's favorite pastime. (Past tense "flied", As a noun, a frame is half an inning (either the top or the bottom). A batter's foremost goals are: to be a baserunner, to aid runners along the bases, and to hit drives to help runners home. Ground ball: A baseball that is hit on the ground. "Say it ain't so, Joe!" [ edit] ( idiomatic) An expression of disbelief. Bean: to hit a batter with a pitch. Bonus baseball: When a baseball game goes to extra innings; past 9 innings of play. Drew, Phillies Fans, And A Lesson In Battery-Throwing", "The domain name is for sale", "Q&A: Bob McClure on Banny, Simba & Deception", "Sports Talk - Tampa Bay Sports Blog: Orioles show lack of class vs. Rays Sunday", "Tigers vs. 3B: Triples occurs when a batter makes a successful hit and reaches third base. In each half, one team bats until three outs are made. SVO: Save opportunities when a relief pitcher enters the game where they can earn a save. He comes into the game with the potential tying run being either on base, at bat, or on deck. Pitchers will try to hide their grip even while delivering the ball. Also called a reliever.. Defined are over 2,001 quick hitting, concise, and descriptive terms. Also called a save opportunity. E: Error when a fielder fails to convert an out that he otherwise should have. ", A hard swing that misses the ball: "Reyes took a good rip at that pitch. Strike out: The throwing of three strikes in one plate appearance. The batter is automatically called out in this situation whether or not a fielder attempts to catch the fly ball, assuming it stays fair. Bert Blyleven was an example of a pitcher with an absolutely filthy curveball. Baseball Gear, Training Drills and Equipment Reviews. Find a gap: Hitting the ball between the gap between infielders. Capacity crowd; all seats filled in the stadium. High cheese: Also known as high cheddar, refers to a high (and often inside) fastball. I'm not even sure this is possible. Blistered: When a ball is hit exceptionally hard. Lead runner: The base runner closest to home plate on the base paths when more than one runner is on base. The internet slang baseball dictionary - This pitcher is really painting the black.. Find a hole: To get a base hit by hitting the ball between infielders. Interestingly, it was Urban Dictionarythat had the best, concise definition in my opinion: The hot stove is a term used to describe all of the personnel movement in baseball. Offspeed pitch: Any pitch thrown at a slower speed than a fastball. When it comes to base running, many of these terms are used mainly when discussing what happened during an earlier inning or what is happening in the current inning. Southpaw: Refers to a left-handed player. The Ultimate Guide, Volleyball Scoring 101: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Score. Shot: Describes a hard-hit ball or a home run. As physicist. 19. Ultimate grand slam: A game-ending grand slam hit when the hitters team is down by exactly three runs in the final inning of play. The umpires officiate the game, including beginning, suspending, and ending the game; enforcing the rules of the game; calling balls and strikes; making judgment calls on plays; and meting out discipline such as ejecting players or coaches from the game. Ace: The best starting pitcher on the team, who is usually first on a pitching rotation. PK: Pickoff when a pitcher throws the ball to a fielder that eventually results in scoring a baserunner out. Hey, lets turn two here!. Synonymous with "nasty". The set of all games played between two teams during the regular season is referred to as the, In the playoffs, series involve games played in the home stadiums of both teams. Mark Gonzales, "'El Duque' dynamite in Sox debut". A count of 3 balls and 2 strikes; another strike will result in a strikeout, while another ball will result in a walk. In other words, hitting the ball "on the line" is good for the offensive player in baseball and tennis, but stepping on the line is bad for the offensive player in basketball and American football. The foul poles on the outfield walls are vertical extensions of the foul lines. When runners are "at the corners", they are at first base and third base on the baseball diamond, with no runner on second base. When a team's batters gets several hits and runs off of the opposing starting pitcher in early innings the batters are said to "get to him early".

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baseball terms urban dictionary